Improving resuscitation outcomes for out-of hospital Cardiac Arrest

Improving Resuscitation outcomes for out-of hospital Cardiac Arrest

Improving Resuscitation outcomes for out-of hospital Cardiac Arrest by Maaret Castren. Maaret Castren passionately delivers her take on how to improve outcomes from out-of-hospital cardiac arrests. Maaret brings resuscitation back to the basics. Using science, education and local organisation factored together, we can drastically improve the chance of survival in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. Currently, the…

Prehospital Damage Control Resuscitation for Shock and Massive Haemorrhage

Prehospital Damage Control Resuscitation for Shock & Haemorrhage

Anne Weaver presents a rapid-fire overview of prehospital damage control resuscitation for shock and massive haemorrhage. Anne reviews how this is currently managed and what the future in this space might look like. Haemorrhage and trauma present a massive burden on health worldwide. 2 million patients bleed to death from trauma every year. Evidently, in…

Interprofessional issues in critical care

Interprofessional issues in critical care

Interprofessional issues in critical care Meeting of the Tribes brings together clinicians from a broad range of health professions, including medicine, nursing, social work and physiotherapy, to explore interprofessional issues in critical care. In addition to their clinical work, panelists have unique perspectives on education, simulation and resilience in healthcare. In discussing issues related to…