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Actions To Take

Reduce unnecessary pathology test ordering
Healthcare is an expensive and carbon-intensive sector, generating 7% of the national carbon emissions in Australia. Although the carbon footprints of individual pathology tests are small, millions of tests are performed each year in Australia, and reducing unnecessary testing will be the most effective approach to reducing the carbon footprint of pathology.

Environmental stewardship of pressurised metered-dose inhalers
Pressurised metered-dose inhalers (pMDIs) contain hydrofluorocarbon propellants in which medicines are dissolved. They are liquids when under pressure and are released as a gas when the device is used. These hydrofluorocarbon compounds are potent global warming gases: 1350-3350 times more potent per gram than carbon dioxide.

Decrease greenhouse gas pollution in anaesthesia
Anaesthesia is a carbon-intensive specialty, involving the routine use of inhaled drugs which are potent greenhouse gases. After patient use, these gases are exhausted directly to the environment, where they accumulate in the atmosphere contributing to global warming.
Shift Practice:
We are developing more “Shift Practice” actions and have enlisted support from Nurses and Paramedics to develop actions to fit those scopes of practice in particular. In addition, we are relying on your feedback for new inspirations, so make sure you upload ideas on the action portal.
Shift People and Teams:
Central to driving change in our workplaces, we need to form multidisciplinary healthcare teams that can work collaboratively on local projects. An example of this is the formation of NetZero teams within specific practice environments and the development of outcome focussed projects – Watch this space for more Action Templates.
Here at Coda we don’t take ourselves too seriously… Hence, the “Smug Board” was born. Intended to sprinkle some light humour into our very serious mission to help make healthcare more sustainable. The more points you earn from completing actions, the more “Smug” you deserve to be, knowing that you’ve played your part in tackling the climate emergency.
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Help Us Crowdsource The Next Action
Submit your idea for the next #CodaEarth action below. If it is published, you will earn extra Smug Points!
Importantly, the individual action templates have been authored by small groups of experts. It is acknowledged that these templates do not represent the enormous diversity of global medical practice which is determined by many factors including geography, accessibility, economics, supporting infrastructure and professional culture. The templates for action serve only as a starting guide.
As an integral part of the plan, we seek to crowdsource diverse global experiences, commentaries and solutions. The opportunity to constructively contribute to the plan is provided through the portal and the curated contributions will be published on the website. In this way, the plan is designed by experts but the final construction is community built.
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Top Tips
Nitrous Oxide mitigation
Peri-operative MDI use – transitioning away
Making conferences closer to carbon-neutral