Climate Change and HealthFOAMed LibrarySMACCSustainable healthcareIs climate crisis a medical emergency?

Is climate crisis a medical emergency? By Hugh Montgomery

Humans aren’t wired for connecting immediate pleasure (unprotected sex, alcohol, drugs, cigarettes) with some ethereal medium-term risk. As a result, ‘public health campaigns’ rarely work.

Meanwhile, we make decisions far less based on ‘fact’ than on ’emotion’. When did you ever see a chocolate ad telling you about the ingredients?

How do you get people to care, listen and act? The message needs to be personal, not remote.

This may be why we have failed to convince public or politicians alike to take action on climate change. However, the time is now and Hugh is concerned.

Climate change is the biggest global health threat of the 21st century. Importantly, climate change is a medical emergency. So as healthcare professionals, we need to work together to mitigate this risk.

Hugh discusses his work in the climate change field over the last 20 years, giving examples of what he has tried and why most of what he has done has failed.

From SMACC, tune in to an interesting and crucial talk by Hugh Montgomery.

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Is climate crisis a medical emergency? By Hugh Montgomery

Hugh Montgomery

Hugh is ICU Professor at University College London, with a Nature papers describing the first gene for human fitness. He has been involved in environment/health issues for 20 years, and chairs the Welcome Trust/Lancet Countdown on Climate and Health. He’s a father of two, a mountaineer and a fading ultra-marathon runner, and the author of two childrens’ books and a thriller (out Aug 2019). He also holds the world record in underwater piano playing.
