Strategies for dealing with high emotion in the workplace – Session 1
This is the first in a five part series of short talks on managing emotion in the workplace. Emotions create a cognitive load and impact on learning. We all need to debrief. In this introduction Jon, Sylvia, Sara and Clare will guide us through our reactions phase, an essential component of debriefing, whether after real or simulated complex emotional events. This is where we deal with emotions to improve learning. We need to go there, whether we are facilitating the discussion or another member of the team.
Jon, Sylvia, Sara and Clare will give you some simple tools to help you facilitate and participate in the reactions phase of a post-event debrief. We need to recognise emotional red flags, and explore those emotions, so that we can begin to understand how they affect our thoughts and behaviours. Naming the emotion helps us to move from raw feelings into the cognitive domain. As a facilitator, we can help further by normalising emotions, offering empathy, coaching and support.
Strategies for dealing with high emotion in the workplace – Session 1
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