How a Crisis Resource Management failure led to a full-blown medical emergency
It is estimated that 70% of avoidable deaths in healthcare involve a breakdown of the principles of Crisis Resource Management.
Evidently, CRM involves seven crucial steps:
- Firstly, know your environment
- Anticipate and plan
- Then, take a leadership role
- Communicate effectively
- Call for help early enough
- Next, allocate attention wisely, use all information
- Finally, distribute workload, use all available resources
Unfortunately, a failure in adhering to the 7 principles of CRM lead to serious complications for the birth of Tamara & Garry Hills’s son.
In this incredible story, we hear from Tamara and Garry as they explain the human and systemic factors that ultimately led to a full-blown medical emergency.
Notably, a lack of situation awareness, combined with poor communication, unfortunately led to Christopher Hills suffering a severe brain injury. This likely occurred during the 17 minutes of terminal Bradycardia.
Tamara, Garry and Christopher bravely share their story to inspire healthcare workers to embrace crisis resource management. A big thank you to Tamara, Garry and Christopher for sharing their story and for allowing us to spread this far and wide.
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