COVID-19FOAMed Library

If you’re finding yourself reaching for a bowl of cereal late at night after a long and stressful shift at work, you’re not alone. Roger, Mary and Emma Strutt talk diet, and what to do when your body is craving quick release carbs.


> How to read labels – understanding how to read nutrition information will help you to identify healthy choices.

> While many convenience meals are unhealthy, choosing healthy convenience meals is possible. Many convenience foods contain more saturated fat, salt, sugar and energy (kJ) compared with home cooked meals. Use this guide to choose healthier convenience meal choices.

> Eat Right Now App:

Emma Strutt

Emma is an Accredited Practising Dietitian and Nutritionist, earning her degree from the University of the Sunshine Coast. Initially working within the hospital system, she now runs greenstuff nutrition and also works as a Research Assistant at a Queensland medical research institute.

Emma is a Fellow of the Australasian Society of Lifestyle Medicine, holds a Certificate in Plant-Based Nutrition through eCornell University and is a qualified yoga teacher (200hrs). Emma has a special interest in plant-based nutrition, having followed a vegan diet for over a decade.


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