Acute Care MedicineCoda CureFOAMed LibrarySepsisPandemic Sepsis and Inequality

Coda Cure: Conversation 4

*We apologise for the low quality audio, Dr Flavia Machado kindly delivered her talk in the middle of a hospital shift in São Paulo during the global pandemic.

Pandemic Sepsis and Inequality

LMIC’s bear 85% of the global burden of septicaemia. There are three main determinants of mortality:

1. Pathogenic factors
2. Host Factors
3. Healthcare Inequality Factors (Prevention / Water & Sanitation / Access to Care,Resources, Education)

Interestingly, the effects of the current COVID-19 pandemic appear to be more related to the pathogen than the other two factors, and so the burden of disease has been more evenly distributed globally.

That said, the pandemic has further exposed some weaknesses in healthcare systems in countries like Brazil.

Namely, the high rates of secondary hospital acquired infections and antimicrobial resistance, high mortality rates, unreliable supply chains, cultural challenges with end of life care and broader social challenges, like corruption.

Moreover, some good things have come from the pandemic in Brazil.

Furthermore, there has been an increase in philanthropy towards healthcare, more recognition of the work healthcare workers do and an increased appreciation of the need to support public healthcare institutions.

Tune in to Pandemic Sepsis and Inequality.

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Flavia Machado

Flavia Machado is professor and head of the Intensive Care Session of Anesthesiology, Pain and Intensive Care Department at the Federal University of São Paulo in Brazil. Machado is board certified in internal medicine, infectious diseases and critical care. Dr. Machado is one of the founders of the Latin America Sepsis Institute–LASI. She was the president between 2008-2011, vice president between 2012-2015 and is currently its CEO. LASI is devoted to awareness raising, quality improvement and coordination of multicenter studies in sepsis field. She is part of the executive board of the Global Sepsis Alliance and the executive committee for the World Sepsis Day. She serves on the 2012 and 2016 board of the Surviving Sepsis Campaign International Guidelines. She integrates the International Sepsis Forum (ISF) council since 2014. She is also a member of both the Executive and Scientific Committee of the Brazilian Research in Intensive Care Network-BRICNET.


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